Chinese Herbs at Wellness on Whyte

Chinese Herbs at Wellness on Whyte
September 30, 2016 WoW admin


Here at Wellness on Whyte, we have a variety of Chinese Herbs in stock to support your health goals. Many practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), such as acupuncturists, are versed in Chinese Herbs and will make recommendations about the best herbal combinations to complement your wellness journey.

Fall is a time of shift. In fall, we are shifting away from summer, which is considered to be the most expansive season according to concepts of TCM. In summer, we experience “big yang” and our energy is not well contained. During fall, more yin quality comes into play as we prepare for winter and try to consolidate energy. During this time, if we aren’t practicing proper self-care and prevention, we become vulnerable to external pathogenic factors that are typically climactic: wind, cold, heat and dryness. Wind is the vehicle by which cold and heat penetrate the body and there is lots of wind during the fall season! The combinations of wind/cold and wind/heat are causative of colds and flus. At this time, if you find yourself ill with a cold or flu, it’s indicative that the climactic changes are greater than the strength of the body that is not prepared for the shift, and becomes invaded by these combinations.

Symptoms typical of a wind/cold invasion include: itchy throat, body aches, chills, mild fever and white phlegm.
Gan Mao Ling is an Chinese herbal combination that is specific for treating wind invasion, and is very relevant this time of year for wind/cold invasions. In Chinese Medicine, Gan Mao is considered a deep place in the body where pathogens hide. This remedy can be taken every 2-3 hours at the onset of symptoms of illness.

Symptoms typical of a wind/heat invasion include: fever, sore throat, sweating and yellow nasal mucus.
Yin Qiao is most appropriate for wind/heat invasions including respiratory system and sinus infections.

Consider these other Chinese herbal remedies for that which ails you:

Free & Easy Wanderer (Xiao Yao San): A great remedy for stress. Treats liver constraint and a condition of the liver invading the spleen. When the liver is constricted, so is the flow of qi and the waxing and waning of emotions. The liver is as though a general that helps control mood swings, so this remedy is also great for mood instability related to female cycles and PMS, especially directly before the onset of menstruation. If the liver is charged with too much energy, which often happens due to North American lifestyles (poor diet, too much caffeine and alcohol, high intensity living, stress, not enough sleep), then it tries to overtake the spleen – some symptoms that can result from this are constipation, nausea and bloating.

Zizyphus: A formula for insomnia, especially accompanied by night sweats and irritability.

Restful Sleep: For chronic sleep problems.

Tang Kuei & Peony (Dang Gui Shao Yao San): This formula is also for liver and spleen disharmony and a good fit for irregular menstrual cycles. A great women’s tonic.

Ginseng & Longan Formula (Gui Pi Tang): A great formula for excessive or obsessive mental activity, which can also cause insomnia and anxiety. A great fit for students going back to school.

Blood Palace (Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang): A remedy for blood stasis in the upper body, which can be causative in headaches, chest or rib pain.

Tang Kuei & Salvia Formula (Jia Wei Si Wu Tang): A formula for chronic low iron. A good postpartum formula for women who lost a lot of blood during delivery.

Seven Treasures: Targets the liver and kidneys and is a great anti-aging formula – prevents graying of the hair.
If you have any questions about the Chinese herbal formulas that we have in stock or which one would be a good fit for you, please ask us. One of our practitioners versed in Chinese herbs would be happy to help you!