Here at Wellness on Whyte we have created a very special room spray called Essential Clearing. Our most popular spray, Essential Clearing is a custom-made smudge spray intended to clear and purify space and aura alike.
In Aboriginal spirituality, smudging is a sacred practice where smoke from select herbs and plants are used in a spirit of reverence for the purpose of purifying and clearing negative energies. Essential Clearing is made with the intentional purpose of helping you to achieve this same result with aromatherapy and Flower Essences.
Our recipe starts with a custom blend of essential oils that uplift, clear, ground and cleanse space and personal energy. These oils are emulsified into pure spring water and the recipe is then topped off with select Flower Essences that are intended to connect you with spiritual presence, reduce fear and negative energy, ground your awareness in your body and erect boundaries for personal integrity and protection. After each bottle is prepared, it is mindfully blessed to enhance the spiritual energy and quality of the blend.
Over the years we’ve been honored to receive plenty of positive feedback about Essential Clearing – it’s a favorite for a reason! We’ve heard from counselors, psychologists and individuals working in high intensity office spaces that the blend has been supportive to transition between clients and has lent itself to an overall calming and re-centering for all those who encounter it’s lovely aroma and grounding influence. Our practitioners at Wellness on Whyte use Essential Clearing for the same reasons – it is especially helpful after an intense interaction with a client or after holding space for the sharing of trauma stories, anger or deep grief. Essential Clearing grounds both practitioner and client, giving a sense of safety. Essential Clearing can also be used at home after receiving boisterous guests or challenging family members, after disagreements or in the event of suspected negative presence in any space.
Come visit us today for the opportunity to test a bottle of Essential Clearing and notice how it makes YOU feel!