To me, the present moment is alive. When I’m not present in this moment, it’s like living in a black and white movie that then suddenly turns into technicolor when I remember to come back to this moment. Present moment is alive and magical.
Staying in the present moment can be a very vulnerable place though. When I’m present and available in the moment, I can’t be in the past or future. This means I can’t worry or think about past experiences in endless cycles. I also don’t have hope to rescue me, because I am not thinking about the future.
Being in the living, present moment is without hope for something better to come or without worry and fear about the unknown future, that is why living from the present moment is so important to us all. It is very grounding and brings me back to my body.
The body is very intelligent, it is full of wisdom that can be entered and listened to in the present moment, when I am very quiet and just looking at a beautiful view in front of me. When I’m drinking my morning coffee or tea. When I’m washing the dishes or vacuuming. There are endless opportunities to come back to this beautiful, living presence in us all, It is always there to be found in everyday life. We all love these moments, they bring us joy and a sense of belonging – belonging to something bigger than just our own individual experiences.
These moments bring me in touch with my inherent wisdom, that there is more. That I belong to a bigger picture. That I am part of something, like stars in the sky are part of the sky. We are not alone.
Living in the present moment, therefore, connects me with others. When I am present in the moment, I naturally connect with that same presence in others. That brings us together in our sameness instead of our differences. That is how children meet and do. It is a very simple and natural state, we just have forgotten it.
So, get that cup of coffee and just sit down and really enjoy it! Go for a walk in the neighborhood and enjoy the blooming gardens, children playing and dogs running after a ball. Smell the early Summer and all the lovely rain we have received these last few weeks and feel the magic.
It can feel vulnerable to open into the present moment when I am busy and stressed, but if I do, it’s like a miracle! The busyness and stress I feel, opens up and magically I can relax inside of it all. Not judging the feelings or hoping they go away, but opening in it.
Being in the present moment, for me, is living in all of the ‘not so good’ feelings within, accepting them along with all the good ones. Being present to all of me helps me to connect with others, without judgment.
I think we are all different on the surface but beautifully connected through our heart in this precious moment.