
Tuuli Nelson is a trained Jungian Psychology-based Astrologer of over 35 years. If you are new to astrology and unfamiliar with your birth chart, she recommends you begin with a birth chart consultation.

Birth Chart Consultation

During this deep, heart-centred consultation, your birth chart and your natal potential will be discussed in depth. Tuuli provides a magical journey to your hidden potential and illuminates the shadow side that impacts your life without your awareness. You will find new opportunities and abilities that will provide tools to become more empowered in your authentic expression and to move in life with more depth.

Initial In-Person 90min $130
Initial Telehealth 90min $130

Follow Up In-Person 75min $100
Follow Up Telehealth 75min $100

*Please note: your initial consultation is subject to $100 non-refundable deposit at the time of booking.

Transits Consultation

As you explore your transits during this session, you are provided with an opportunity to look at what to be more aware of right now. It will provide you with keys and clarity to be more empowered and authentic in your life.

When Astrology refers to ‘Transits’, it is speaking about the location of the outer planets in the current sky in connection to your birth chart.  Outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

First, you will explore what houses the planets are traveling through right now. For example, having Neptune go through your 9th house, which can take 4 to 10 years, can mean that your mind is merging with something bigger than yourself. You might be feeling very aware of your oneness with everything and everyone, wanting to be more available to others or help others in some capacity. This same Neptune might also be affecting your Venus on your birth chart and bring about a very idealized and romantic new relationship into your life or awaken a deep yearning within you for a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

Looking at Transits is like listening a weather report. They provide you with an overview of the kind of weather systems that are currently moving in your life and in what areas. Perhaps a storm is coming to clean and transform you or maybe there are nice, sunny days to bring stability and balance.  Typically, there is a variety of weather conditions taking place at the same time in different areas of our lives.

Although Tuuli aims to complete a chart reading in the allocated appointment time, if more time is required to complete the reading, you may book a follow-up appointment. If you wish to revisit your transits 3-6 months after your initial appointment, a follow-up is ideal as well.

Initial In-Person 90min $130
Initial Telehealth 90min $130

Follow Up In-Person 75min $100
Follow Up Telehealth 75min $100

*Please note: your initial consultation is subject to $100 non-refundable deposit at the time of booking.

Astrology Package: Birth Chart & Transits Consultations

Your package includes in-depth discussions of your birth chart and current transits. Tuuli will highlight your natal potential from the perspective of the life lessons you are here to learn. Together, you will look at childhood experiences in relation to astrological events and dive into the symbolic meaning of current transits and how they are being revealed in the events of your life now and in the near future.

The package comprises of two separate 90-minute sessions. Sessions can be booked back-to-back or on different days, as desired. In order to access package discount pricing, payment for both sessions is required in full at the time of checkout for your first session.

Two 90-min sessions $210+GST

*To complete a birth chart we must have your completed intake form at least 48-hours prior to your booked appointment.  
*Can be booked online, over the phone, or in person.
*Please contact us at 780 437 9355 questions and assistance.

*Important Information*

All NEW Astrology clients must complete their intake form at least 48 hours prior to the day of their booked appointment. Your intake form link is provided in your confirmation and reminder emails. Please contact us if you require support 780-437-9355.

We ask that you complete the intake form as specifically as possible to ensure an accurate chart. Time of birth alters the chart outcome. Exact time is preferable but a general time of day is fine (eg morning vs. evening). If you do not know the time of your birth, please contact your birth hospital as they may have birth records for up to 50 years. It may take several days for you to receive your birth time from the hospital. If you require this information from your birth hospital, please reschedule your appointment for the following week.

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Meet Tuuli, our highly skilled Astrologist.

Booking Policies:

By scheduling your appointment, you are agreeing to the following credit card, cancellation, and non-refundable deposit policies:
Credit Card Policy:

Wellness on Whyte will require all clients to have a stored credit card on their client profiles, 48 hours prior to a booked service. Each client, will be sent, via text, a secure link to enter their credit card data. Alternatively, it can be collected in person.
Cancellation Policy:
Scheduling an appointment is the reservation of time put aside specifically for me. I acknowledge a mutual understanding of the value of our time. I understand that at Wellness on Whyte, a minimum of 72hrs notice is required to cancel my ‘Day in Sanctuary’ and/or RTT appointments while a minimum of 48hrs notice is required to cancel all other appointments. If I do not give the required notice, I agree to for my credit card on file to be charged the amount of my deposit or 50% of my appointment price, whichever applies.
Non-Refundable Deposit:
$100 Non-Refundable Deposit is required for New to Acupuncture, Initial Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Initial Homeopathy Consultation, Initial Birth Chart Consultation, Initial Transits Consultation, Initial Nutrition Consultation, and RTT/Hypnotherapy appointments.