Wellness on Whyte Open House 2023

Join us for our annual Open House from November 13th to December 1st at Wellness on Whyte!

Our main event is a virtual talk shared by Geha Gonthier entitled,β€œRising as a Collective”

We are moving into a new chapter.

In the Chinese Horoscope the Wood Dragon rules the year of 2024. It initiates fierce, yet kind action, and reminds us of our strength, passion and vision.

In Western Astrology the movement of Pluto into the sign of Aquarius in early January signals a new phase for humanity, where the gift of the individual is invited to support the collective wellbeing.

Join us in Geha’s virtual exploration of the magnificent opportunity in front of us. Learn what your role could be as we are being encouraged to heal on an ever bigger scale.

For your convenience, Geha’s talk can be accessed any time from November 13th to December 1st. The virtual access will be accessible by ticket holders as a clickable link during this window of time.

Following Geha’s presentation, you will receive a promotional code for 15% off ALL products in our boutique, valid from November 13th to December 1st for a one time use at Wellness on Whyte*.

You may access the talk for free, or make a donation, with 100% of all proceeds going to ceasenow.org , an organization that provides tools for persons who have experienced sexual exploitation or sex-trafficking to heal and renew their lives.

All donations of $20 or more will be entered to win 1 of 3 luxury gift baskets, overflowing with items from various #yeg local businesses, including Clairitea, Inner Five, Yoga Within, and many more!

We are also kicking off our famous Gift With Purchase Promotion!

* Come in-person and purchase a $130+ gift certificate at Wellness on Whyte, and receive a complimentary gift with purchase, valued at $35+.

Our gift with purchase items include an Oils Of Bliss essential oil roller and organic golden dragon green jasmine tea.

While supplies last!


November 12th to December 1st