Just like nature is shifting with the changing season, we have some exciting things happening at Wellness on Whyte. Read on to learn more about a new service being offer at the clinic, our monthly promotion, and more!
With the transition into Fall, this is a wonderful time to book in for some self care. Our team of Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Aestheticians, Astrologer and Homeopathic Doctor can help recommend ways to keep your body, mind, and skin healthy and happy over these colder months. We hope to see you soon!
I AM Essential Oil Collection SALE
Our I AM collection of essential oil blends have been an intricate part of our Wellness on Whyte sanctuary for many years and loved by our WoW community.
We will no longer be carrying our ‘I AM’ oil blend line, so this we want to offer you the opportunity to stock up on your favourite blends.
Whatever is on our shelves is available to you for 30% off!
*while supplies last
Introducing a NEW Service…
The Natural Therapeutic Facelift Massage (NTFM)
Natural Therapeutic Facelift Massage is a one-hour, all natural treatment done only with the skilled hands, fingers, and thumbs of the therapist. Many people experience full body relaxation due to stimulation of facial pressure points that correlate with other body systems. There is no down-time or redness after this treatment.
The benefits of regular treatments are accumulative. For best results, we suggest 3 to 6 weekly treatments, followed by once-a-month maintenance. Results are also augmented with monthly Revitapen Facials.
There are some contraindications, please see our website for full details. HERE
Update: Ashley Ramos (Perrin)
Ashley has decided to extend her maternity leave as she is enjoying motherhood and has decided to continue to focus on spending time with with her daughter. She has and continues to develop programs with Dr. Sabrina Silins to support women with fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum. You can find her new work at www.beingfawn.com
I am Immune by Noelle Rivet
Is there such as thing as “boosting” your immune system? Here’s what Harvard Medical School has to say,
“The idea of boosting your immunity is enticing, but the ability to do so has proved elusive for several reasons. The immune system is precisely that — a system, not a single entity. To function well requires balance and harmony. There is still much that researchers don’t know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response. For now, there are no scientifically proven direct links between lifestyle and enhanced immune function.”
So what are we supposed to do to prepare ourselves for another cold and flu season, you ask? It boils down to one thing, and that thing is CHOOSING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE. Let’s review the basics so YOU can help your immune system perform optimally.
To read Noelle’s recommendations, click HERE.
I am Immune by Dr. Aziz Merchant
Homeopathic Physician
“When I hear the word Immunity, it sounds synonymous with Protection, Exempt or Unaffected by an assault or trauma, either physical or psychological. The medically trained side of me thinks more on the lines of Immunology- how our body’s wisdom is capable of warding off infections by micro-organisms and how seemingly mundane organs like the skin, mucous membrane linings of our airways and gut help in regulating our immunity.
But I seek to find a deeper meaning in Immunity, where in Immunity is tantamount to being cradled in one’s mother’s womb. And this is where it all begins anyway. Before birth, the fetus resides in a watery world of comfort and warmth where it is nourished and protected and has no experience of gravity, boundaries or touch. One with the cosmos and one with the mother and the truest definition of Immunity!”
To read more of Dr. Aziz’s message regarding immunity, click HERE

A staff and client favourite! Apply it topically with the roll-on format, diffuse, or use as a spray. Pro-tip: We like adding a few drops to a reusable dryer sheet to fight off bacteria and keep laundry smelling fresh!
I am Immune Essential Oil
Essential oils: tea tree, thyme, clove bud, citronella, cinnamon, orange
Flower essence: yarrow
Created with a number of antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral essential oils, ‘I am Immune’ offers both physical and energetic protection against dis-ease, toxicity, parasites, and negativity. Flower essence of yarrow protects your aura, fortifying you to be able to better create and maintain personal boundaries, while citronella and cinnamon lend a warming effect, helping to lift the mood and promote a positive outlook. Use this during cold and flu season, or carry it on-the-go for use in any situations where you might be around a lot of other people, or where you might need extra protection from outside energies or negativity.
Wellness On Whyte will be showcasing our practitioners expertise on October 19 Wednesday 6-7:30, in the conference room (305). The theme will be Immunity lungs, large intestine, skin, energy. Come hear Geha Gonthier speak on this and join her for qi-gong (45 minutes). Sandra Shim will speak about facial rejuvenation acupuncture and how to perform facial massage leading people with tools (30 mins). During these offerings Kyla Gorman will be just out front with ear seeds and some herbal tea. Heather Cameron will speak briefly and provide a healing sound bath (15 mins).
October 22 Saturday 2:30 -4:00, In the conference room (305). Please join us in an exciting conversation of women’s health. Mykayla Sorenson will discuss the menstrual cycle and it’s 4 phases and teach a self massage to connect the heart and womb space (45 mins). Join Geha Gonthier for some qi-gong to support women’s health (45 mins).