When I feel those watchful eyes and stolen glances, ice begins to permeate my bones.
I become a girl frozen in time. A diagnosed deer in headlights.
Driving amidst dangerous words with reckless intent.
Oncoming high-beams zeroing in.
Not all lights are equal, some are just blinding.
I’m used to the dark, I’m used to moving in silence.
It’s when the light hits that my greatest strengths turn into acts of defiance.
Strange, no?
That it’s hard to sing in tune when everyone’s watching.
When love turns to hate because the pressure’s amounting.
We break and we bend, we live trying to pretend,
that we don’t need any help,
but i’ve got news for you friend. We all need support sometimes.
I reach for the shelf, I am immune.
I bring Achilles, but leave my heels.
And though I know you by any other name,
with you my sweet yarrow I know can say.
To all the noise that disrupts my peace.
To all the stories that are not mine to tell.
When I feel an attack, relax,
you cannot hit that which repels.
With your essence surrounding me,
I’m held in a loving cocoon.
Bring your best,
I am Immune.
— Stephany Anzora