I Am Inspired – Geha Gonthier

I Am Inspired – Geha Gonthier
July 31, 2024 WoW admin

Geha Gonthier, Senior Practitioner B.A., LMT, ERYT, R.Ac.

Inspiration strikes at the most unexpected times, often from the simplest sources. For me, the journey to self-acceptance and self-love has been the most profound source of inspiration, transforming my life in ways I never imagined. It’s a journey that continues to shape my existence, creating a deeper, more meaningful life.

The first step in this journey was learning to accept myself.

While this may sound simple, for me it’s been a profound and often challenging task. Society constantly bombards us with images of perfection—perfect bodies, perfect lives, perfect successes. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that anything less than perfection is unworthy. I realized that to truly accept myself, I had to let go of these unrealistic expectations and embrace my imperfections.

Self-acceptance is about recognizing and acknowledging all parts of ourselves.

It asks me to take a good and honest look at myself, examine my limiting belief systems, celebrate my gifts, and lovingly embrace my shortcomings. For me, this meant confronting my insecurities and failures head-on and learning not to view them as setbacks, but rather as opportunities to grow and evolve. This shift in perspective has been divinely liberating, inviting me to see myself more clearly and appreciate the unique person I am, a precious fractal of the whole. 

With acceptance comes the blossoming of self-love.

Loving oneself is a radical act in a world that often tells us we are not enough. It means valuing oneself, prioritizing one’s needs, and being kind to oneself. For a long time, I struggled with this concept, mistakenly believing that self-love was selfish. But over time I have learned that it’s the foundation for everything else in life. When we love ourselves, we set healthy boundaries, we take better care of our mental and physical health, and we allow ourselves to pursue our passions without fear of judgment.

This journey of self-acceptance and self-love has profoundly impacted my life.

It has led to deeper, more authentic relationships because I am no longer afraid to be vulnerable and show my true self. It has also brought a sense of peace and contentment. Most importantly, it has opened the door to a more meaningful life. By accepting and loving myself, I have been able to pursue my passions with confidence and enthusiasm, leading to a life that is rich and fulfilling.

Inspiration often comes from within, from the quiet moments of reflection and self-discovery.

My journey to self-acceptance and self-love has been the greatest inspiration in my life, leading to a deeper understanding of myself and a more meaningful existence. The fragrance blend of “I am Inspired” is founded on this journey,  a journey I continue to walk, and one that I encourage everyone to embark on.

Embrace your imperfections, love yourself fiercely, and watch your life transform in the most beautiful ways.