Tuuli Nelson
For me, being in balance means my nervous system is in harmony. When I learn to regulate and relax my nervous system, even when I’m triggered by other people or circumstances, I slowly come to balance within. I align with my more authentic self and I am able to relate to and communicate with other people and loved ones with more clarity and from a deeper place.
We are all connected to each other through our nervous systems, like the mycelium underground that connects the trees. The more I open and relax within, the more intimately I can connect with others. This is true love.
So, I am balanced when I am more relaxed and open within myself. Despite the many mixed feelings I might experience at any given moment in a day, this is a hidden secret to finding peace within. And as we are approaching the beginning of a new era in humanity, cultivating our inner balance and awareness is one of the most precious medicines we can give ourselves.
With love,