I am Immune: Ritual: Energize Your Protective Aura

I am Immune: Ritual: Energize Your Protective Aura
September 30, 2023 WoW admin



Essential Oils: Tea Tree, Thyme, Clove Bud, Citronella, Cinnamon, Orange
Flower Essence: Yarrow
This ritual harnesses the power of essential oils and the enchanting essence of yarrow to create a fortified shield, both physically and energetically. It guards against dis-ease, toxicity, parasites, and negativity while strengthening your aura and personal boundaries.


Prepare Your Sacred Space:
Find a tranquil place where you can connect with your inner self. Light a white or lavender candle to set the mood, promoting purity and tranquility.

Anoint Your Hands:
Gently anoint your palms with a few drops of the “I am Immune” elixir. As you do, visualize the energy of the essential oils and yarrow infusing your hands with protective light.

Center and Ground:
Stand or sit with your feet flat on the ground. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself to the Earth’s energy.

Invoke Your Intention:
State your intention clearly: “I call upon the protective energies of ‘I am Immune’ to shield and strengthen my aura, allowing me to maintain clear personal boundaries.”

Casting Your Protective Aura:
Begin by gently rubbing your anointed palms together, creating warmth and energy. As your hands tingle with vitality, envision a radiant, shimmering aura surrounding your entire body.

Sprinkle the Elixir:
With your aura energized, spray a fine mist of the “I am Immune” elixir into this shimmering energy field. Visualize the elixir merging with your aura, reinforcing its protective qualities.

Empower Your Boundaries:
As you stand within your shielded aura, feel a sense of empowerment. Visualize your personal boundaries becoming clearer, stronger, and impenetrable.

Repeat the affirmation: “I am Immune. My aura is a shield of protection. My personal boundaries are sacred and secure.”

Carry the Protection:
Keep the “I am Immune” elixir with you, especially in situations where you may be around many people or exposed to external energies. Use it to reinforce your aura whenever you need added protection.

Closing the Ritual:
Express gratitude for the protective aura you have created. Trust in its power to safeguard your well-being, both physically and energetically. Blow out the candle as a symbolic gesture of closure.

By performing this ritual, you strengthen your aura, assert your personal boundaries, and establish a powerful defense against external influences. Carry the energy of “I am Immune” with you, knowing that you are fortified and protected. πŸŒΏπŸ›‘οΈ