Classic Tarot Reading
Every lesson we meet in our lives can be found in the seventy-eight Tarot cards. When we consult the Tarot, we’ll be shown the lessons we need to learn and master to live an inspired and conscious life.
A tarot reading enables us to ‘hold up a mirror to ourselves’ so that we can tap into the wisdom and answers that live within us.
In-person 45min $90
Telehealth 45min $90
Tarot Reading Add-On
*You may add this service to your acupuncture treatment. It is only available with Geha Gonthier.
45min $75
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Meet Geha, your Tarot Card Reader:

Geha Gonthier
Senior Practitioner B.A., LMT, ERYT, R.Ac.
Services offered: Acupuncture/TCM, Tarot, Qi Gong