Come explore what these mindfully prepared blends have in store for you and your loved ones!
Here at Wellness on Whyte, we have our own line of custom-made, aromatic blends. Our series of blends are formulated to support you in recognizing and bringing forward all that you infinitely are. They are titled to reflect precisely that which they encourage you to be. Our blends appear on our retail shelves as straight essential oils, aromatic roll-ons, bath salts and room sprays that also contain Flower Essences (only the room sprays contain Flower Essences).
Essential oils are powerful therapeutic agents that activate the senses and soothe the nervous system, supporting our mental and physical bodies to release trauma and bolster energy for wellness. Flower Essences promote emotional healing and address every offshoot of fear known to the human family.
Through this dynamic pairing of essential oils and flower essences, we are able to present you with an array of experiences for cleansing and supporting your being and your space.
Here are the custom blends in stock:
I Am Limitless . I Am in the Moment . I Am Sacred . I Am Energized . I Am Happy . I Am Love . I Am Balanced . I Am Calm . I Am at Ease . I Am Transformed
We also stock a smudge spray called Essential Clearing that is a favorite among clients and staff alike. This spray clears stagnant energy from any space and is tremendously helpful for high-intensity work environments, recovering from negativity or uplifting an otherwise draining space or situation.
Our other custom blends include Yoga-Ta-Clean, a yoga mat spray, Immune, an immune stimulating blend, and blends to match each Ayurvedic type: Vata, Kapha & Pitta.