I AM IMMUNE by Dr. Aziz Merchant

I AM IMMUNE by Dr. Aziz Merchant
September 30, 2022 WoW admin

As a Homeopathic physician and a lamenting writer on all issues pertaining to health, philosophy and underwhelming significance of common sense, I like the uniqueness of every case, patient and situation. I get bored of repetition and standardized treatment of everything that is under the sun. However, as I cannot find a back link to my blog published in October 2019 on this same subject, and the questions it populated in my inbox, I feel a follow-up is long overdue and I will reproduce snippets of the original article:
When I hear the word Immunity, it sounds synonymous with Protection, Exempt or Unaffected by an assault or trauma, either physical or psychological.

The medically trained side of me thinks more on the lines of Immunology – how our body’s wisdom is capable of warding off infections by microorganisms and how seemingly mundane organs like the skin, mucous membrane linings of our airways and gut help in regulating our immunity.

But I seek to find a deeper meaning in Immunity, where in Immunity is tantamount to being cradled in one’s mother’s womb. And this is where it all begins anyway. Before birth, the fetus resides in a watery world of comfort and warmth where it is nourished and protected and has no experience of gravity, boundaries or touch. One with the cosmos and one with the mother and the truest definition of Immunity!

But when the contractions begin the cosy pool of warmth collapses on the fetus and activate the sense of touch for the first time, gradually encountering the bony pelvis and rigid pelvic outlet all the way through tight compressions of the vaginal walls, all this while contracting and relaxing itself. Witness the birth of sense of touch, ergo birth of individuality. An altered birth process significantly impacts the immune system that develops later on in life.

Unsurprisingly, a 2017 GUSTO study demonstrated that birth by caesarean section (C-section) interrupts transmission of maternal microbiome and compromises intestinal microbiome programming in an infant. This influences immunological development and has been shown to increase the risk of development of allergic diseases.

Now to address the proverbial can of worms-
A standardized one size fits all approach of our vaccination schedule that determines X amount of dosage of Y vaccines at Z age, in my opinion is flawed and discounts the individuality of the human being. In childhood, the Ego- the spiritual essence of the individual child is gradually entering the physical organism and this process is critical in the development of a normal and healthy immune system.

For eg- Natural immunization against Haemophilus influenza B (Hib) starts at approximately 18 months of age, and this varies for each child. The Canadian vaccination schedule recommends to introduce Hib vaccine along with DTaP-IPV-HB, PNEU-C13, Rotavirus (that is introducing mildly virulent strains of diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, pneumococcal and meningococcal viruses , hepatitis-B, rotavirus starting at just 2 months of age!) which provokes an immune response that is too early. Besides, vaccines given by injection bypass the natural physiological pathway for immune response that occurs when pathogens enter the host body via mucous membranes of the respiratory/ digestive systems. On the contrary, if an infection is allowed to follow its natural course, it would strengthen the child in all biological faculties because it follows a pre-programmed sequence of physiologic and unforced events:

Incubation – prodrome – fever response and acute manifestation of symptoms – detoxification – elimination and finally acquired immunity. Vaccinations do not illicit this natural chain of events. They force the organism to respond when it is not ready to do so.

Don’t get me wrong here – Vaccinations are necessary for individual health as well as public safety against spread of disease. However, I believe the administration of vaccines plays a pivotal role in lessening complications of developmental delays, allergies and asthma. No doubt, immunizations have been instrumental in saving millions of lives, but now there is a vaccine for everything. And they are all administered as cocktails! The fact remains that polyvalent vaccines use the following ingredients at the minimum:

CDC website states that this form of mercury (ethylmercury) is metabolized differently in the human body and does not cause toxic build-up in the body compared to methylmercury. However, WHO’s poster child had been widely studied for its toxic effects both in vivo and in vitro and in animals and results are not convincing. Journal of Applied Toxicology concluded that despite lower traces of ethylmercury found in brain tissues compared to the more toxic older mercury compound, ethylmercury however ruined the kidneys and hence further studies are recommended. The study also states that infants are more susceptible to thimerosal, yet we have this as the first ingredient listed in infant vaccines like MMR

Aluminum salts
In high doses this is a known neurotoxin and strongly linked to Alzheimer’s and breast cancers. Calcium phosphate was used as an adjuvant in France in diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and poliomyelitis vaccines. It was later completely substituted by aluminum salts in the late 1980s. Calcium phosphate is a compound naturally present in the organism, safe and already used in human vaccination. Beyond comparisons with the other adjuvants, calcium phosphate represents a good candidate to replace or to complete aluminum salts as a vaccine adjuvant.

Animal cells/ tissues/ cultures- eg- African Green Monkey kidney cell cultures, Fetal bovine (cow) serum and porcine trypsin

Yes, I have and I still treat children whose parents swear that their child has never been well since that particular ‘immunization’. And by no means do I endorse that vaccines are linked to autism or any other malady that only a parent feels when their child is struck by it. Protein molecules will interact with other protein molecules and what follows is a series of events that given the right (or unfortunately wrong) circumstances brews up lifelong illnesses that anti-vaxxers bank on! What we need is more science behind the safety of these products. Vaccination after all is a medical procedure and like all procedures the risks need to be explained. High handed policies turn away people who pose questions regarding safety and increase vaccine hesitancy rates.

So what choice do you have? (cough… cough… this Flu season? Or for your precious child?) This is what a lot of you emailed me about wanting details as opposed to general guidelines. These are my personal recommendations based on scientific evidence corroborated over multiple disciplines and research papers:

Alternate schedule or Delayed schedule:  Whenever possible, opt for delayed vaccination. Most alternate schedules recommend vaccinations beginning at 4 months of age, allowing them to develop physically and neurologically and grow bigger and stronger to handle just one shot at a time.

I typically will vaccinate against Hib, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), polio, pneumococcal disease and hepatitis A live viral. A combined vaccine like MMR will be delayed until more maturation of the neurologic and immune systems, typically at 30 months or older.

One at a time: Administer vaccines only one at a time, usually one month apart. God or even Mother Nature would dictate children only get one disease at a time. Therefore, I believe we should simulate nature and introduce vaccinations as such, one at a time.

Go solo: Opt for monovalent vaccines whenever possible. Single strain vaccines will have less stabilizers and ingredients that are mentioned above.

If you are an existing patient of mine, you will know that some childhood viral illnesses are benign and I am OK with you opting out of Rotavirus. Similarly, if the mother is not a carrier for Hepatitis B, that can be skipped as well.

Timing! Timing!! Timing!!!: Immunizations should be timed for optimum immune response development. This is overlooked by the prevalent schedule. No vaccines should be given when the child has a fever or is fighting an illness. In general, the immune system should mount an immune response to just the virus or the vaccine, but not both. If you are planning to travel to a tropical country, that will call for another approach and perhaps be open to additional vaccination measures depending on the age of the baby.

There are no substitutes:  I would also like to speak up here and say there are no Homeopathic substitutes to replace vaccines. There may be some practitioners who do advertise that, but unfortunately this holy grail of no side effect natural immunization remains elusive.

The philosophy is simple – I treat the acute presentation and honestly, prevention is better than cure. Practicing good hygiene and optimum nutrition and dressing well has been instrumental in keeping the flu at bay in my household. Yes- there are remedies that have withstood the test of time and when administered before and after a vaccine helps in mitigating the ill effects of vaccine eg- Thuja occidentalis, Ledum pal, Silicea, Psorinum, Sulphur, Antim tart, Malandrinum to name a few. Each remedy will have it’s own unique indication and if that fits your description then that will be the remedy of choice. I will give a list of remedies and their indications in another follow-up article, so stay tuned!

Vaccination has always been a ‘testy’ subject. It is important to state here that I always present the facts as they are and leave the choice to the individual. I will emphasize again that one size fits all approach should not be presented to human beings, where every individual is unique. Rather, Individualized treatments should become the cornerstone of medical therapy and with nano-medicine in the future, that dream may be attainable (however, Homeopathy has been offering Individualized therapy for close to 200 years now!). So, please consult your Homeopath and family physician to determine if the above recommendations will suit your needs best.

The virtue to choose is something we mortals are not immune from once we are born into this world.