Harnessing the Power of Command Cell Therapy and Hypnosis for Psychosomatic Healing

Harnessing the Power of Command Cell Therapy and Hypnosis for Psychosomatic Healing
September 30, 2024 WoW admin
Harnessing the Power of Command Cell Therapy and Hypnosis for Psychosomatic Healing

By Noelle Rivet, RMT, RTTP, C-HYP

Did you know that 70% of ailments that affect the body are psychosomatic in nature? This means that the majority of physical symptoms we experience are deeply connected to our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Our minds hold incredible power over our bodies, and often unresolved mental and emotional issues manifest as physical pain or illness. Command Cell Therapy (CCT), a technique used in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), taps into this mind-body connection to bring about profound healing by leveraging the power of the subconscious mind.

The Science Behind CCT: The Role of Epigenetics

Command Cell Therapy is grounded in the study of epigenetics, a field pioneered by Dr. Bruce Lipton. His research reveals that our genes are not static or unchangeable, but instead, they can be influenced by our environment, thoughts, and emotions. In other words, the genetic expression of our cells can be “turned on” or “off” based on external factors—particularly our habits of thought. CCT harnesses this concept by using the power of the subconscious mind to instruct the body to heal, regenerate, and restore balance. When we experience negative thought patterns, prolonged stress, or unresolved trauma, these mental states send signals to the body that can trigger or exacerbate illness. CCT works by using hypnosis to access the subconscious mind and direct it to reprogram these signals—essentially turning off harmful genetic expressions and turning on healing responses. This process can promote healing at the cellular level, giving the body the instructions it needs to regenerate and repair itself.

Why CCT Is So Effective

All habits of action stem from habits of thought. Whether it’s stress, unhealthy coping mechanisms, or negative beliefs about the self, these mental habits shape how the body responds to the world. Over time, these habits can lead to chronic illness, pain, or dysfunction. Because CCT directly addresses the subconscious mind, where these habits of thought reside, it is incredibly powerful in creating lasting change. During an RTT session, the client is guided into a state of hypnosis, allowing them to access their subconscious mind. From here, positive suggestions are given to instruct the cells to heal and restore balance. By working at the subconscious level, CCT is able to rewire deep-seated patterns and beliefs that contribute to physical symptoms, promoting healing from the inside out.

Conditions Command Cell Therapy Can Improve

CCT has shown remarkable results in improving a wide range of psychosomatic and chronic health conditions, including, but not limited to:

  • Autoimmune disorders: Many autoimmune conditions are linked to stress and emotional trauma. CCT can help the body regulate its immune responses more effectively.
  • Cancer: While not a cure, CCT can support traditional treatments by helping clients foster a mindset that promotes healing and resilience, reducing stress that may hinder recovery.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Stress is a known trigger for IBS symptoms. CCT can reduce the mental and emotional factors that contribute to digestive issues.
  • Chronic pain: Whether from injury or unexplained origins, CCT can address underlying emotional pain that may be fueling the physical sensation of pain.
  • Migraines: By addressing subconscious triggers like stress and tension, CCT can provide relief for migraine sufferers.

The mind-body connection is profound, and Command Cell Therapy provides a direct pathway to healing by tapping into the body’s innate ability to regenerate and heal. By transforming the habits of thought that underlie illness, CCT offers a powerful tool for overcoming psychosomatic conditions and achieving lasting well-being. If you are struggling with chronic health issues that seem to have no clear physical cause, CCT and hypnosis could provide the breakthrough you need.