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    December – I am Sacred – Empowerment Ritual

    In the midst of the bustling holiday season, finding moments of stillness and self-awareness is a precious gift we can offer to ourselves. In this December “I am Sacred” empowerment ritual, we will deepen our connection to our divine nature and self-worth, gently stimulating the crown chakra. The “I am Sacred” mantra will be our guiding light as we embark on this soul-enriching journey.

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    Embracing the Sacred Within: A Journey of Connection

    In the intricate tapestry of our existence, a profound thread binds us to the divine, to one another, and to the sanctity within ourselves. “I am Sacred” is more than a phrase; it’s a reminder, a call to recognize the sacred essence dwelling within us and the world around us.

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    I am Calm – Ritual for Inner Peace

    I am Calm ~ Ritual for Inner Peace –

    The “I am Calm” collection is your gateway to serenity, a blend of nature’s finest gifts that soothes the mind and nurtures your inner sanctuary. Embrace this ritual to cultivate a profound sense of calm and tranquility in your daily life.

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    Tranquil Touch: 5 Calming Acupressure Points

    Let’s embark on a journey of holistic healing rooted in Traditional
    Chinese Medicine’s Five Elements and Acupressure (the application of
    pressure on Acupuncture Points). The Chinese Five Element theory conveys
    a deeper understanding of our body’s mind-body-spirit connection, it
    teaches us how to embrace and express emotions with a peaceful state of

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    I am Immune: Ritual: Energize Your Protective Aura

    🌿🌟 Ingredients: Essential Oils:…

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    Unlocking the Power of Lymphatic Massage for Your Health

    Lymphatic massage has been gaining popularity over the years and for good reason! It offers many benefits that can add to your healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the amazing things it can do for you.

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    Nature, Chinese Medicine, and Immunity

    When we think about immune health some of us might consider taking Vitamin C which is great for stimulating white blood cells. Zinc to fight off invading bacteria and viruses. Mushrooms are amazing adaptogens, immune modulators, and improving the overall function of your immune system.

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    wellness on whyte

    Harmony Within: Exploring Hormones and Balance through Chinese Medicine

    In the intricate tapestry of our bodies, harmony and balance are vital for optimal health. The ancient wisdom of Chinese medicine recognizes the profound role that hormones play in maintaining equilibrium within our internal systems.

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    Temperance and Transformation

    “I’m balanced” is our September mantra here at Wellness on Whyte, and with that, the tarot card “Temperance” comes to mind. Tarot can be used as a language of consciousness to speak directly to our inner understanding and give us insight into our human experience.

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    Wellness on Whyte Oils of Bliss Essential Oil Blend

    Harmonizing Ritual: Embrace Balance with “I am Balanced” Essential Oil Blend

    In a world filled with hustle and bustle, finding equilibrium within ourselves can feel like a distant dream. We often sway between the yin and yang aspects of our being, seeking that elusive state of balance. Enter “I am Balanced” – a harmonious blend of essential oils and flower essence designed to bring your inner scales into alignment.

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    Mykayla Sorensen, practitioner at Wellness on Whyte

    The Next Chapter

    To all of my wonderful patients and friends of Wellness of Whyte, the next chapter is quickly arriving. As I sit here reflecting and preparing for maternity leave, I can’t help but feel inspired and excited for the new chapter of growth, development, and learning that lies ahead.

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    'I am Inspired' Oils of Bliss Essential Oil Rituals - Wellness on Whyte Essential Oil Blend

    ‘I am Inspired’ Oils of Bliss Essential Oil Rituals

    Are you seeking inspiration? The I am Inspired Oils of Bliss blend is for you! In this transformative and uplifting practice, we will explore the unique combination of essential oils and flower essence that form our ‘I am Inspired’ blend. This ritual aims to channel your presence of mind, body, and spirit into grounded action while nurturing your creativity and motivation.

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    'I am Present' Oils of Bliss Essential Oil Rituals - Wellness on Whyte Essential Oil Blend

    Oils Of Bliss by Geha Gonthier: I am Present 

    What do you use to help support your intention of presence? This is an uplifting blend designed to anchor you into your body and into the here-and-now, ‘I am Present’ instills a sense of contentment and well-being within.

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    I am Grateful: a ritual for June

    Are you going through a period of change or transformation? Maybe you are feeling ready to make a change, but you aren’t quite sure where to start.

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    I Am Divine

    I am Divine: a ritual for May

    Do you have an altar or a special place you keep photos, crystals, incense, or other sacred tokens? What does the word “divine” mean to you? In Tibetan medicine, they say that at the moment of conception there is a spark of bliss that forms the centre of the soul.

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    Noelle Rivet, Practitioner at Wellness on Whyte

    RTT Hypnotherapy: What it is, how it works, and why it’s effective

    Hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses hypnosis to help individuals achieve positive change in their lives. It is based on the belief that our mind and body are interconnected, and that by accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis, we can address issues or behaviors that may be holding us back.

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    I am Enough by Rae Macala

    I Am Enough – a weighted mantra for the Enneagram Type Two. Driven by connecting to other people, providing services, and self-sacrificing (on the extreme end of a lower developed Two), being “Enough” can seem like an ever-distant goal post of infinite tasks and performing roles in other people’s lives.

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