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    A Diabetes Diet

    I used to write a column called Holistic Health 101 for one of the local papers here in Edmonton. I…

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    Summer Heat Rising

    Over the last few days, summer has shown us that it truly has arrived! While heat beats down upon us,…

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    Fabulous, Fantastic Fathers!

    Father’s Day is on Sunday June 16th. As I perused the interweb for inspirational quotes related to fathers and fathering,…

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    Magical, Meaningful Mothers!

    With May knocking on our door, of course Mother’s Day comes to mind. Mother’s Day means many things to many…

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    Snuggling Up To Change

    Happy February everyone! I don’t know about you, but I perceive that these days are ones of great change. Change,…

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    Wellness on Whyte: A Sanctuary for Community, Health & Vitality

     One of the most rewarding aspects of our practice at Wellness on Whyte is the number of people who “just…

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    Introduction to Holism

    Welcome to Wellness on Whyte’s blog! I’m excited to be spearheading this blog because alongside holistic health, my other passions…

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