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    Just Breathe

    How to calm the mind, reduce stress, and soothe anxiety. Vietnamese zen master and global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh said anxiety is “the illness of our time” and “comes primarily from our inability to dwell in the present moment.” 

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    I am Enough: a ritual for April

    One of my favourite grounding rituals to do when I am feeling overwhelmed or anxious, is square breathing with our “I am Enough” roll on oil, which is designed to help soothe intense feelings and reconnect you to your intuition and sense of self worth.

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    Oils of Bliss by Geha Gonthier – I Am Happy

    What makes your inner child happy? Is it being outside in nature or dancing to your favourite music? Maybe it’s exploring new places or creating beautiful works of art. …

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    I Am Happy – by Dr Aziz Merchant

    Health and happiness are interconnected, as good health is a foundation for happiness. People who are in good health tend to experience more positive emotions, have better relationships, and be more productive in their daily lives.

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    I am Love

    “Ah February, with your candy hearts and valentines and the whimsical promises from so many brands that love can be neatly packaged and bought. But how does it feel to know that you are already the most beautiful embodiment of love itself? …”

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    Oils of Bliss by Geha Gonthier: Reintroducing our Line of Essential Oils

    One of the first things you might notice when you walk into our sanctuary is a gentle scent in the air, as if inviting you to step inside, to take a breath. Maybe you detect the sparkling scent of citrus or the thread of frankincense or chamomile. All of these essential oils and more are blended into our very own line of essential oil products, Oils of Bliss by Geha Gonthier.

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    Kyla (Michaela) Gorman, practitioner at Wellness on Whyte

    My skin is talking to me

    In the beginning it was a war and I was unprepared. Unprepared for how quickly the Psoriasis spread, how painful it was, and how friends, family, and strangers started treating me differently. I could see the suppressed horror on their faces when they saw the red, scaling patches coalescing up my arms and legs.

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    Noelle Rivet, practitioner at Wellness on Whyte

    I am calm – with Noelle

    I don’t know about you, but historically, packing to go travelling for me has always felt like a very time-consuming thing, and the mere thought of it would create a lot of stress and anxiety.

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    I Am Calm with Kyla Gorman

    I am Calm. It’s a powerful statement, like a command or mantra to ease your mind and body into stillness. How does this feel to you? Does it automatically allow you to enter that peaceful space?

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    October 2022 Newsletter

    Just like nature is shifting with the changing season, we have some exciting things happening at Wellness on Whyte. Read on to learn more about a new service being offer at the clinic, our monthly promotion, and more!

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    I AM IMMUNE by Dr. Aziz Merchant

    I seek to find a deeper meaning in Immunity, where in Immunity is tantamount to being cradled in one’s mother’s womb.

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    I Am Immune by Noelle Rivet

    So what are we supposed to do to prepare ourselves for another cold and flu season, you ask? It boils down to one thing, and that thing is CHOOSING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

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    Balancing Act by Annie Dietrich

    If you had asked me a month ago, I would have said I was a fairly balanced individual. And when I thought of “balance” I thought about emotional, spiritual, and mental balance, not so much literal balance..until recently.

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    Balancing our Metal Element for Autumn

    The season of Autumn is represented by the Metal Element according to the Chinese 5 Elements. The Metal Element implements balance in our life through focus, routine and healthy boundaries. When we think about Metal in general, it has the ability to be strong yet malleable.

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    Optimizing Egg Quality

    When it comes to fertility and trying to conceive there is so much information available on ways to help improve and optimize chances of creating a healthy pregnancy.

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    Cleanse to Energize. Energize to Rise.

    For thousands of years, cultures around the world have practiced their own cleansing rituals for lasting health, longevity, beauty and energy.

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    Tuuli, practitioner at Wellness on Whyte

    Alive in the present moment with Tuuli Nelson

    To me, the present moment is alive. When I’m not present in this moment, it’s like living in a black and white movie that then suddenly turns into technicolor when I remember to come back to this moment. Present moment is alive and magical.

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