Oregano Oil – Use Sparingly During Cold and Flu Season- Plus More Immune Tips.
While cold and flu season is in full swing, please heed a wee warning from your resident nutrition consultant. Oregano oil is all the rage for fighting seasonal viruses, and it really works! However, I cringe when I hear these types of statements “I take oregano oil every day during winter to prevent getting a bug.”
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Welcome Jessica
Jessica brings strong hands and an open heart to her massage therapy practice. Guided by intuition, she varies the flow of treatment in response to each client’s individual needs with the aim to rebalance mind, body, and spirit. She loves to incorporate aromatherapy to achieve deeper relaxation and relief.
Winter Wellness Guide, Teacher Training and MORE with Jessica Kruse
Read more for what’s new in my practice and two offerings I’m pouring my heart and soul into. I’m teaching alongside some of my colleagues I admire most and feeling beyond blessed to be offering world class education.
Introducing Nutritional Therapy Consultation at Wellness on Whyte
Some of you may recognize our own Anna Cott from her work on the management team at Wellness on Whyte. Anna’s lifelong passion is nutrition and she has both a degree and a diploma in this fascinating field.
What’s Love Got to Do, Got to Do With it?
In the field of psychology Sternberg, a renowned psychologist, has developed what is called the Triangular Theory and believes that there are 7-types of love. These 7-types of love are founded on the Three Components of Love ….
A Journey of Selfish Discovery
I grew up with a deep seeded shame around the concept of selfishness; the word, the idea of it, the ability to comfortably make choices that were right for me without the guilt and heaviness that would inevitably follow. This inability to be accountable to my needs kept me in a consistent pendulum swing.
Becoming Limitless
We are amongst a new age spiritual revolution. An embrace of alternative healing therapies from across cultures has the western world’s focus on holistic health. It’s all about that mind, body, soul connection. So why the hell do you still feel so disconnected?
I Am Sacred too
Uggg, it’s November, fall has ended and we are experiencing the “in between” time before winter arrives in all its fullness. This time is filled with snow then rain with temperatures ranging from -10 to +10 and as a parent I have no idea how to dress my children for school…
My 9 year old describes being calm is being in a state of peacefulness- like being outside in nature, in a sunny field feeling the cool breeze on your skin, listening to the birds and the brook, observing how the birds fly in patterns and taking in all the beautiful colors.
Blog – I am sacred
‘Self care during the holiday season’
It seems a bit of a contradiction in terms, because it should be obvious that holidays are about self care and yet, Christmas season tends to be filled with anxiety, depression and many emotional challenges.
Opening to awareness: Practicing Calm
There’s that spot between the shoulder blades -a knot that feels sharp and painful. The tension rests there and it seems as if very little will release it. A kink in the neck…I just woke up and now I can’t turn my head. This could last for the next few days. Sound familiar? We all get these little reminders from our body to pay attention.
I Am Immune: Vaccine Season
When I hear the word Immunity, it sounds synonymous with Protection, Exempt or Unaffected by an assault or trauma, either physical or psychological.
The medically trained side of me thinks more on the lines of Immunology- how our body’s wisdom is capable of warding off infections by micro-organisms and how seemingly mundane organs like the skin, mucous membrane linings of our airways and gut help in regulating our immunity.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
How many of us have identified with Jack? I have. As the old proverb from 1659 suggests we all need to find our happy medium. We live in fast times. We are always hustling and trying to meet deadlines (like I tend to with my blogs, much to our Social media consultant’s dismay!). Sometimes we just get sucked into an endless cycle of existential crisis.
I am immune
Anything but that.. The magical properties of sleep…
Ok, I’ll admit it and will chime in with my 2 cents worth -it has not been the best of summers. We have had so much rain I have finally admitted defeat and will let the slugs eat the rest of the vegetables in my garden. They can have them. May all beings be happy and nourished! -
I am Balanced – Finding Balance within a Woman’s Cycle
The other month I found myself apologizing to my family for an emotional outburst, explaining that it was “that time…
When you can’t find balance … find your centre
Ahhhh balance – that elusive element that we’re pretty sure if we could find it, we’d be happier. When we think of balance we have this nice neat picture in our head – our day divided into equal parts -work, play, exercise, time for connecting with family and friends, eating and hopefully sleeping. We refer to balance quite a bit in our lives, balanced meals, work/home life, how much we take on and the activities we pursue.
I Am Energized
My name is Aziz Merchant and I am a Homeopathic Physician. I am truly grateful to all my patients who have trusted their health in the healing hands of Homeopathy and I have always strived to live up to the trust and belief they have time and again placed in me.